Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Review Article 2024-12-31
AbstractFrozen shoulder is characterized by progressive stiffness and pain, often leading to significant functional impairments. While its clinical features are well-documented, the literature presents considerable divergence regarding its natural history, with many sources treating it as a self-limiting condition. This review article seeks to explore the natural history of frozen shoulder and reassess the commonly held belief that it resolves spontaneously without intervention. Additionally, by examining the historical and current perspectives on its terminology and reviewing the pathophysiology, this paper aims to enhance understanding of the disorder within the medical community. -
Review Article 2024-12-31
Jinmann Chon, Seongmin Choi
Clinical Pain 2024; 23(2): 47-52
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2024.23.2.47AbstractSarcopenia is an age-related condition which is characterized by a decrease in the mass and function of skeletal muscle and can affect the muscles of the trunk and extremities and the muscles to be used in swallowing. Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention of sarcopenic dysphagia is very crucial for older adults. Sarcopenic dysphagia can be diagnosed by measuring the function, strength, and mass of the affected muscle. In addition, dietary function assessments, functional eating scales and food swallow level scales, video fluoroscopic assessments, and electromyography or manometry can be used to diagnose the sarcopenic dysphagia. Although studies have been published using ultrasound to determine the amount and function of muscle in the body and physical function in sarcopenia, few studies have used ultrasound to diagnose sarcopenia. This paper aims to introduce the use of ultrasonography to assess sarcopenic dysphagia and suggest future research directions. -
Review Article 2024-12-31
상지 경직의 보툴리눔 독소 주사의 실제
Practical Points of Botulinum Toxin Injections for Spasticity of Upper Extremity
Jong Moon Kim
Clinical Pain 2024; 23(2): 53-56
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2024.23.2.53AbstractBotulinum toxin injections are method used to manage spasticity of upper extremity, characterized by increased muscle tone and involuntary muscle contraction caused by neurological disorders. Botulinum toxin injections to reduce spasticity of upper extremity have been demonstrated in numerous studies and are highly recommended in guidelines. For spasticity of upper extremity, botulinum toxin injections are more effective when guided by ultrasound or electromyography devices rather than performed blindly. Spasticity of upper extremity due to central nervous system injury often follows a pattern, with the elbow flexed, forearm pronated, wrist flexed, and fingers flexed. It is crucial to assess the degree of spasticity, the amount of muscle involved, and the key muscles affecting each movement, and to inject the correct dosage at precise locations. Reducing spasticity of upper extremity with botulinum toxin injections can improve the patient's quality of life and aid in caregiving. -
Review Article 2024-12-31
AbstractSteroids and local anesthetics are the most commonly used agents for treatment of inflammation and diagnostic evaluation of lesions caused by musculoskeletal disorders. They have various duration of effect, potency, and side effects depending on each chemical characteristic. This review compares steroids and local anesthetics commonly used in musculoskeletal disorders and suggests recommended type of steroid according to the type, size, and depth of the lesion. In addition, in this review, caution is considered when using a mixture of steroids and local anesthetics. -
Review Article 2024-12-31
스테로이드주사와 운동으로 해결되지 않는 동결견
Intractable Frozen Shoulder Unresponsive to Steroid Injections and Exercise
Chul-Hyun Park
Clinical Pain 2024; 23(2): 61-65
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2024.23.2.61AbstractFrozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a shoulder joint disorder characterized by decreased range of motion without abnormalities on simple radiographs. Pathologically, it involves inflammatory changes and fibrosis of the joint synovium, leading to contracture of the synovial joint of shoulder. The stages of frozen shoulder progress through inflammatory, freezing, frozen, and thawing stages, each requiring different therapeutic approaches. While initial stages may respond to conservative treatments like NSAIDs, steroid injections, and exercises, more advanced stages often require interventions such as scapular nerve blocks, hydrodistension, and manipulation under anesthesia. Among these, ultrasound-guided hydrodistension is highlighted as an effective and safe method, combining potent anti-inflammatory effects with mechanical expansion of the contracted capsule. Clinicians should review the efficacy and safety of various interventional treatments for frozen shoulder, considering the importance of selecting appropriate methods based on the clinical stage of frozen shoulder. -
Review Article 2024-12-31
AbstractMuscle regeneration is a complex process involving the activation, proliferation, and differentiation of muscle satellite cells following injury. Recent advancements in bioelectronic medicine have highlighted the potential of electroceuticals—therapies that use electrical stimulation to modulate biological systems—as a promising approach to enhance muscle repair and regeneration. In this review, we explore the mechanisms by which electrical stimulation influences muscle tissue regeneration, focusing on the modulation of cellular pathways such as myogenesis, angiogenesis, and inflammation. We also review the effects of various stimulation parameters, including frequency, intensity, and waveform, on muscle regeneration outcomes. Preclinical and clinical studies suggest that electroceutical interventions can accelerate recovery following muscle injury, enhance muscle strength, and reduce fibrosis. However, challenges remain in optimizing the stimulation protocols for different injury models and in translating these findings into widespread clinical applications. Further research is necessary to establish standardized treatment regimens and to understand the long-term effects of electroceutical therapy on muscle health. This review provides insights into the current status of electroceuticals in muscle regeneration and discusses future directions for improving therapeutic efficacy. -
Review Article 2024-12-31
AbstractKnee osteoarthritis (OA) is a common disease, particularly among the elderly, that can cause functional disability due to impaired joint function and pain. Recent studies have shown that extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) can accelerate the healing of meniscal degeneration and plays a chondroprotective role in OA. However, there can be doubts as to whether ESWT’s effect on knee osteoarthritis is strong enough to offset disease progression, given the difficulty of ESWT in penetrating deep tissues in the human body, the impossibility of exposing the entire knee cartilage and subchondral bone to ESWT, and the nature of the progressive knee OA. In this paper, the author will review the literature published so far to introduce the effectiveness of ESWT in the treatment of knee OA and help readers gain an objective perspective. -
Review Article 2024-12-31
AbstractRadicular pain due to spinal degeneration is commonly managed with transforaminal epidural steroid injections (TFESI) to reduce inflammation. However, in cases where pain persists due to central sensitization, pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) stimulation presents a promising adjunctive therapy. PRF avoids the high temperatures of continuous radiofrequency (CRF) stimulation, using a controlled electrical field that reduces the risk of nerve damage while modulating central sensitization pathways. Studies suggest that PRF can provide effective, prolonged pain relief, especially in patients with refractory radicular pain unresponsive to repeated TFESI. PRF’s mechanism involves subthreshold stimulation that induces long-term depression through α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) and N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (AMPA) and N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) receptor modulation, decreasing pain sensitivity without significant heat generation. Additionally, PRF’s combination with local anesthetics has shown enhanced pain control up to six months. Given the complex interplay between inflammation and central sensitization in chronic radicular pain, PRF may serve as a clinically valuable option, potentially delaying or reducing the need for surgery. Further research is needed to refine PRF protocols and optimize its use in conjunction with conventional therapies. -
Review Article 2024-12-31
AbstractHormonal fluctuations significantly influence the human musculoskeletal system. In particular, rapid changes in hormone levels, including estrogen, can induce a variety of physiological alterations. The increased prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in peri- and postmenopausal women is well-documented, and is thought to arise through multiple mechanisms, encompassing both structural changes in the musculoskeletal system and modifications in the pain modulation pathways. For clinicians, accurate identification and differentiation of the underlying causes of pain are critical for effective management. This review aims to examine the diverse symptoms and etiologies associated with musculoskeletal pain in peri- and postmenopausal women, while providing an overview of key considerations for clinical practice, grounded in recent guidelines. -
Review Article 2024-12-31
Yongbum Park, Jun Hyeong Song
Clinical Pain 2024; 23(2): 89-94
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2024.23.2.89AbstractWrist pain, while not the most common musculoskeletal complaint, is frequently encountered by clinicians in outpatient settings. Its prevalence is notably higher among individuals with high daily physical demands, such as manual laborers and athletes. Ultrasound-guided diagnosis and intervention around the wrist joint can be challenging due to the small and superficial nature of the anatomical structures involved. This review provides a detailed overview of various ultrasound-guided injection techniques used in the management of pathology around the wrist joint, highlighting their efficacy and procedural considerations. -
Review Article 2024-12-31
AbstractCalcific tendinitis, which occurs especially in the shoulder area, is a representative disease that causes shoulder pain due to single or multiple calcium deposits in the rotator cuff tendon or subacromial bursa. In most cases, this disease improves naturally and can be managed with conservative treatment, but some patients continue to experience shoulder pain for a long time without any signs of the deposits resolving. In such cases, new conservative treatment methods such as barbotage and extracorporeal shock wave therapy have emerged as additional management options in recent years. Here, we discuss the classification of calcific tendinitis and the appropriate treatment strategies according to the status of the calcific deposits. -
Review Article 2024-12-31
AbstractUltrasonography is a valuable diagnostic tool in muscle diseases, offering real-time, non-invasive, and cost-effective evaluation. Techniques such as gray-scale analysis and cross-sectional area measurements provide objective and quantifiable data, enabling the monitoring of disease progression and response to treatment. Pathological muscles often exhibit histological changes like fatty degeneration and fibrosis, leading to increased echogenicity and characteristic ultrasound findings. Inflammatory myopathies display increased muscle thickness and echogenicity during the acute phase due to edema, while chronic stages show atrophy and infiltration of fat and fibrous tissue. In inclusion body myositis, increased echogenicity is frequently observed in the flexor digitorum communis, vastus medialis, and medial gastrocnemius muscles, along with a diaphragm thickening fraction that correlates with muscle strength and disease duration. Muscular dystrophies, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, reveal homogeneous hyperechogenicity and pseudohypertrophy, whereas fascioscapulohumeral dystrophy demonstrates multifocal heterogeneous patterns. Myotonic dystrophy is associated with reduced muscle thickness and increased echogenicity, with novel ultrasound techniques quantifying delayed muscle relaxation. While ultrasound has limitations in differentiating specific diseases, its ability to reflect histopathological changes and monitor disease dynamics makes it indispensable. Advancements in imaging technology and standardization of protocols are expected to further enhance its diagnostic accuracy and clinical utility. -
Case Report 2024-12-31
흔하지 않은 원인: 손가락 스냅핑에서 초음파 활용으로 진단된 외측 밴드 아탈구
Uncommon Cause: Lateral Band Subluxation Unveiled by Ultrasound in Finger Snapping Diagnosis
Kyung Hwan Cho, Dong yuk Lee, Jaeki Ahn, Yongbum Park, Suyeon Kim
Clinical Pain 2024; 23(2): 105-108
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2024.23.2.105AbstractSnapping sensations in fingers commonly lead to diagnoses of trigger finger, usually attributed to A1 pulley pathology. However, less common etiologies can present challenges in accurate diagnosis and management. Here, we present a 70-year-old woman with right middle finger snapping, initially diagnosed as trigger finger but unresponsive to corticosteroid injection at the A1 pulley. Physical examination revealed snapping during right third proximal interphalangeal joint flexion. Ultrasound imaging revealed the lateral band’s anomalous movement during flexion, confirming the diagnosis. Conservative management was chosen due to the patient’s preference and mild symptoms. This case highlights the importance of considering uncommon causes of finger snapping and underscores the value of ultrasound in diagnosis, contributing to enhanced clinical recognition and utility of ultrasound for such rare pathologies.
Original Article 2023-12-31
슬관절염에서 폴리뉴클레오티드나트륨의 반복치료 안전성 및 유효성
Safety and Effectiveness of Repeated Treatment of Dodium Polynucleotide in Knee Osteoarthritis
Wan-ho Kim1, Young-sun Song2, Ho-kwang Ryu3, Jong-hoon Park4, Kug-jin Kim5, Il-nam Son6
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 104-114
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.104AbstractObjective: The objective of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of repeated sodium polynucleotide (ConjuranⓇ) treatments in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Methods: The study was conducted by retrospectively examining 45 patients who repeated the treatment course of 5 injections of ConjuranⓇ twice within 6 months. For each course, pain reduction by the change of 100-mm Weight-Bearing-Pain Visual-Analog-Scale was compared with before administration until 6 months after administration. Improvement by Clinical Global Impression (CGI) and Patient Global Impression (PGI) were also investigated, as well as adverse reactions. Results: Pain analysis after administration of ConjuranⓇ confirmed that VAS decreased by 51.6% until 6 months (p<0.001), and after that the effect was lost and was repeat for the 2nd course. In the 2nd, VAS continued to decrease by 58.7% compared to before the 1st course (p<0.001). Analysis of CGI, 88.9% of patients improved after the 1st and 84.4% of patients improved after the 2nd. In the PGI results, symptoms improved in 86.7% of patients after the 1st and 82.2% after the 2nd. No significant adverse event was reported. Conclusion: The safety and efficacy results of patients receiving ConjuranⓇ for 2nd treatment courses were similar to those for 1st treatment course. In addition, the effect lasts for up to 6 months after administration, and the pain reduction effect is lost thereafter, so it is recommended to apply it at 6-month intervals if additional treatment is needed. ConjuranⓇ is an intra-articular injection that is effective in reducing knee pain and can be used repeatedly without adverse reactions. -
Review Article 2023-12-31
신경근골격 통증에 사용하는 주사제의 종류와 초음파 유도하 적용
Various Injectable Agents for Neuromusculoskeletal Pain and Ultrasound-Guided Injection
Yong-Soon Yoon1,2, Kwang Jae Lee1,2
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 88-96
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.88AbstractVarious injectable agents are used for nerve and musculoskeletal pain control. We want to review these injectable agents and several examples under ultrasonographic guidance. Ultrasound (US) can depict of various anatomical structures, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerve roots, and vessels, all over the body. The use of US during injection is increasing due to its quick and easy application for guided injection with higher accuracy compared to the blind technique. The aim of this review article is to get accustomed to various injectables, and to get to know about several US-guided intervention technique. -
Review Article 2023-06-30
AbstractMuscle pain can be caused by various causes and it deteriorates the patient’s function and quality of life. Intramuscular stimulation therapy, performed under the concept of myofascial pain syndrome, is an effective treatment for relieving somatic pain in skeletal muscles through muscle relaxation, improving the limited range of motion of joints, enhancing muscle strength, and improving accompanying autonomic nervous system symptoms. Dry needling, trigger point injection, and intramuscular electrical stimulation are typical methods of intramuscular stimulation, and they must be safely performed by experienced practitioners. The mechanism, clinical use, efficacy, and precautions of intramuscular stimulation therapy will be reviewed in this article. Although additional supplementation of the academic evidence of intramuscular stimulation is still needed through experimental research, it is expected that the clinical application area can be expanded. -
Review Article 2023-06-30
척추 후관절 통증에 대한 치료적 초음파 유도 하 내측지 차단술
Ultrasound Guided Therapeutic Medial Branch Block for the Facet Joint Pain
Yongbum Park, Jun Hyeong Song
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(1): 33-37
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.1.33AbstractThe facet joints are a common source of chronic spinal pain. Blocks of the nerves supplying the facet joints are validated tools in the diagnosis and treatment for facet joint pain. These interventions are typically performed with fluoroscopic guidance. However, the target, which is the nerve, is radiolucent and cannot be identified with fluoroscopy. Recently, several ultrasound guided techniques in the domain of spinal pain have been emerging because ultrasound is useful in visualization of the inner structures, is portable, and is not associated with the radiation exposure. This paper reviews a variety of techniques for ultrasound guided interventions for the medial branch block which has been reported in treating axial pain originating from the facet joint. -
Case Report 2023-06-30
Son Mi Lee, Donghyun Shin, Jongkyu Kim
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(1): 48-51
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.1.48AbstractChronic expanding hematoma (CEH) is a hematoma that increases in size, usually occurring after trauma or surgery, more than a month after initial bleeding. Thighs and upper limbs are the most common sites of CEH. Only a few cases of CEH have been reported in the amputation stump site since CEH itself is a rare disease.We experienced a case of a 59-year-old man who underwent transtibial amputation and suffered from recurrent non-infectious hematoma. For the treatment of CEH, the patient underwent an open bursectomy, followed by bony spur removal surgery. However, CEH recurred, and the pain was only managed by intermittent aspiration and compression. We report a long journey of managing painful CEH of the transtibial amputation stump. -
Review Article 2023-06-30
무릎과 원위부 대퇴 질환의 초음파 소견 및 시술법
Ultrasound Findings and Procedures for Knee and Distal Femur Pathologies
Seok Kang
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(1): 14-21
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.1.14AbstractUltrasound imaging of the musculoskeletal system is widely used for diagnosis and treatment. Pathologies occurring in the knee joint and the distal femur are among the challenging areas for ultrasound diagnosis due to their complex structural nature. However, advancements in ultrasound technology have made it possible to assess and diagnose superficial structures using ultrasound. Moreover, ultrasound-guided procedures have gained significant popularity due to their advantages in terms of efficacy and safety. This paper aims to explore the ultrasound findings of commonly occurring conditions in the knee joint and proximal femur and discuss ultrasound-guided interventions that can be performed in these areas for treatment. -
Case Report 2023-12-31
Jin Sun Kang, Sung Hoon Lee, Tae Ki Choi, Su Min Lee, Eun Ju Na, Eun Young Kang, Hyun Kyung Lee, Youn Kyung Cho
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 136-140
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.136AbstractIatrogenic spinal cord injury resulting from direct needle injection is an exceedingly uncommon occurrence, mainly owing to the spinal cord’s protection by surrounding bony structures, with only a few exceptions, and its location a few centimeters beneath the skin. This study presents a case of a 27-year-old female who experienced cervical spinal cord injury following acupuncture treatment around the C3–4 region. The patient reported tingling paresthesia and persistent pain in her left arm for 1 month postinjection, with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealing a syringomyelia in the direction of the injection. As determined at the follow-up, after undergoing 3 months of conservative treatments, including cervical intervention, medication, and education, her pain was reduced by approximately half. Cervical injections should be administered by a knowledgeable specialist well versed in musculoskeletal anatomy and potential complications, aided by radiological examination. -
Review Article 2023-12-31
초음파 가이드 선택적 경추 신경근 차단술의 장점과 안전성
Ultrasound-Guided Selective Cervical Root Block in Spondylotic Radiculopathy: Advantages and Safety
Dong Gyu Lee
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 61-65
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.61AbstractThis review journal focuses on using ultrasound-guided root block in spondylotic radiculopathy, exploring its therapeutic potential, safety advantages, and validation challenges. C-arm guided transforaminal epidural steroid injection (C-TFESI) has constantly shown effective treatment outcomes for spondylotic radiculopathy. However, C-TFESI has been associated with rare significant adverse events, including cervical cord and brain infarction. Advancements in musculoskeletal ultrasonography have sparked efforts to apply this technique in spondylotic radiculopathy treatment. The distinct advantages of ultrasound, particularly in soft tissue discrimination and vascular visualization, have positioned it as a valuable tool in minimizing the risk of significant complications like spinal cord and brain infarction following cervical spinal injection procedures. Numerous studies have reported the potential and efficacy of ultrasound-guided cervical root block, establishing it as a safe and effective therapeutic approach. However, further validation is warranted to address the limitations and gaps in the current knowledge, particularly regarding the risk of vascular injection. -
Review Article 2023-06-30
메타분석 연구를 통해 증명된 손목터널증후군에 대한 초음파의 유용성
Usefulness of Ultrasound for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Proven in Meta-Analysis Studies
Sang Chul Lee
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(1): 9-13
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.1.9AbstractCarpal tunnel syndrome is a very common and important disease caused by entrapment of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. With the widespread use of high-resolution ultrasound, ultrasound is being used usefully in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Compared to electrodiagnostic study, ultrasound examinations are easier and, above all, non-invasive. In addition, ultrasound-guided injection can be performed alone or in combination with ultrasound examination. In the case of nerve hydrodissection, which has recently been spotlighted as a treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, it is the procedure that could not be attempted before without ultrasound equipment. In this paper, through a comprehensive review of meta-analysis literatures, we look back at the value of ultrasound as a diagnostic tool for carpal tunnel syndrome and the effect of ultrasound-guided injection to get an objective perspective and gain new insights. The usefulness of ultrasound will be largely divided into applications of ultrasound-guided injection, diagnosis, and sonoelastography. -
Case Report 2023-12-31
슬개대퇴통증 증후군에서 체외충격파 치료의 효과
Effect of Extra-Corporeal Shockwave Treatment in a Patient with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Seong Jun Kim, Dong Wan Jin, Kun Wook Lee, Sang Chul Lee
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 141-145
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.141AbstractPatellofemoral pain syndrome, one of the most common knee problems, is diagnosed by excluding other diseases that can cause similar pain or symptoms. The authors have been wondered about why patellofemoral pain syndrome can cause severe pain even when there are no structural abnormalities in the knee. For these reasons, if there are no structural abnormalities in the knee itself, the authors have strongly suspected referred pain due to injury of the surround structures, especially quadriceps femoris. Therefore, the authors want to report the successful experience in reducing knee pain and improving symptoms by performing extra-corporeal shockwave treatment in a patient who is concurred with diagnosis of patellofemoral pain syndrome and is suspected of having myofascial pain syndrome or chronic muscle injury of quadriceps femoris. -
Review Article 2023-12-31
AbstractThe sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is known to account for 14.5∼30% of chronic low back pain patients with non-radicular symptoms. Diagnosing SIJ-related pain is challenging, as initial symptoms often resemble those of other causes of low back pain. Pain may radiate from below the fifth lumbar vertebra to the thigh, making it essential to differentiate from lumbar facet joint, hip joint, lumbar disc, and surrounding muscle problems. There are no single symptoms or physical exams that definitively diagnose SIJ pain. Clinically, if a patient shows positive findings in three or more different physical exams related to the SIJ and experiences more than 75% symptom improvement following a local anesthetic injection under fluoroscopic guided injection, SIJ pain can be suspected. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the SIJ as a source of pain, covering its anatomy, functions, pathologic injury mechanisms, and diagnostic approaches. -
Review Article 2023-06-30
AbstractMost muscle and tendon injuries in thigh occur in sports activities with high energy, for example kicking and running, related with deceleration phase, which require eccentric contraction of quadriceps and hamstring. Most common injury is hamstring strain injury (HSI) and also common injuries of anterior thigh is quadriceps strain injury. Strain injuries occur at myo-tendinous junction and surrounding muscle fibers and in most strains except complete rupture first choice of treatment is conservative treatment including RICE in acute phase and subsequent rehabilitation programs. In competitive sports activities such as football quadriceps contusion injury is common after heavy collision. Prognosis is dependent on the extension of muscle fiber damage and hematoma formation. Hematoma formation can develop to myositis ossificans or Morel-Lavellee lesion, which can induce pain and disability. Hamstring and quadriceps strain and tendon tear can occur in middle-aged or elderly people in community circumstances after slip down or falling, which lead to sudden lengthening and eccentric contraction of hamstring or quadriceps. Tendon tear including avulsion tear in greater tuberosity has higher proportion than strain, that is opposite in sports injuries, because middle aged or elderly people have higher possibility of tendon degeneration and tendinosis with higher risk of tendon tear. Therefore rapid and accurate diagnosis and proper treatment including rehabilitation program for hamstring and quadriceps injury is necessary in middle aged or elderly people. -
Original Article 2023-12-31
유방절제술 후 어깨관절 통증이 발현된 유방암 환자의 어깨 초음파 소견
Ultrasonographic Findings in Breast Cancer Patient with Shoulder Pain after Mastectomy
Changhun Lee, Kil-Byung Lim, Jiyong Kim, Yeorin Kim, Jeehyun Yoo
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 115-121
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.115AbstractObjective: Shoulder pain is a common post-mastectomy complication. This research aims to evaluate the role of shoulder structure changes in developing shoulder pain in post-mastectomy patients and determine ultrasonographic findings. Methods: Medical records of post-mastectomy patients with ipsilateral shoulder pain were reviewed. Ultrasonographic findings, visual analogue scale (VAS), Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI), age, body mass index, time from mastectomy, operation type, lymph node dissection type, presence of lymphedema, and radiation therapy were checked. Results: Of 40 patients, rotator cuff tear, subacromial-subdeltoid bursitis, calcific tendinitis, biceps brachii tendon sheath fluid accumulation, and tendinopathy were seen in ultrasonography. Age was statistically higher in the rotator cuff tear group than non-rotator cuff tear group. Time from mastectomy, VAS, and SPADI were statistically correlated with biceps brachii sheath fluid accumulation. Shoulders with tendinopathy developed pain shortly after surgery. VAS and SPADI were statistically correlated with presence of subscapularis or supraspinatus tendinopathy. Nine of thirteen patients (69.2%) with subscapularis tendinopathy had post-mastectomy lymphedema. Only two of fifteen (18.2%) patients with supraspinatus tendinopathy had a history of radiation therapy. Conclusion: Shoulder pain and rotator cuff tendinopathy may occur soon after surgery; therefore, shoulder range of motion exercises and muscle strengthening exercises are necessary in the early days after surgery. Elderly patients have a risk of rotator cuff tear, which physicians should pay more attention to. Even though there is no history of lymphedema and radiation therapy, shoulder lesions may occur. Therefore, prevention of shoulder pain in all patients after breast cancer surgery is needed. -
Case Report 2023-12-31
Jin Sun Kang, Sung Hoon Lee, Ki Hong Won, Tae Ki Choi, Su Min Lee, Eun Young Kang, Hyun Kyung Lee, Youn Kyung Cho
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 122-126
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.122AbstractSpinal manipulation therapy (SMT) is commonly used to treat various musculoskeletal pains; however, it is associated with several complications. Mild complications resolve quickly; however, on rare occasions, they may cause severe complications that persist indefinitely. Here, we present a case of cervical myelopathy caused by a spinal manipulation. A 52-year-old man with a history of cervical radiculopathy at C4–7 underwent manipulation, performed by an unlicensed practitioner. After the manipulation, he explained abrupt muscle weakness in all four extremities. He was diagnosed with cervical myelopathy and had to undergo emergency surgery. Through this case, we aim to emphasize the role of doctors, with regard to spinal manipulation. Physicians must supervise the pre-evaluation of patients, manipulation, and post-manipulation monitoring, and the complications of SMT should be immediately reported. -
Review Article 2023-12-31
AbstractCarpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy. Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome varies according to the severity of the disease, ranging from conservative treatment to surgical intervention. Conservative treatments such as steroid injection within carpal tunnel are helpful for most patients with mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome. However, in the case of the most commonly used steroid injection, the effect is short or limited within 6 months. In this paper, I will review ultrasound-guided nerve hydrodissection for carpal tunnel syndrome, which has recently attracted attention. -
Review Article 2023-12-31
Choong-Hee Roh1, Gi-Wook Kim1,2
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 72-77
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.72Clinically, evaluation and procedures using ultrasound are expanding in the field of neuromusculoskeletal disorders, and ultrasound is also actively used for hip and thigh pain. This review delineates the normal ultrasound findings of lateral and posterior aspects of the hip joint and thigh. Furthermore, it covers ultrasound findings of commonly occurring soft tissue diseases and nerve entrapment, along with ultrasound-guided injections. -
Review Article 2023-12-31
AbstractPatients with pelvic or sacral pain can be easily encountered in outpatient clinic settings. Since the cause of pain can be originated from the lumbar spinal region, or sometimes directly from the pelvis or sacral region, it is essential to differential diagnose where the pain is coming from. Caudal epidural steroid injection, sacroiliac joint injection, and piriformis injection are not only therapeutic, but are often used diagnostically, therefore they would be more useful in the outpatient clinic. Ultrasound-guided injections have similar clinical effects and the advantage of having shorter procedure times and no radiation exposure compared with fluoroscopic image-guided injection. Therefore, it is recommended to safely perform pelvic or sacral injections using ultrasound guidance. -
Case Report 2023-12-31
임상적으로 경추 추간판 탈출증으로 오인된 사각근 골화근육염
Myositis Ossificans in Scalene Muscle Clinically Mimicking Cervical Herniated Intervertebral Disc
Garam Hong, Won Kim
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 131-135
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.131AbstractMyositis ossificans (MO) is a benign ossified mass that could develop after muscle injury. Typically, it is easily diagnosed based on a history, physical examination and imaging. However, atypical cases can pose challenges in diagnosis. A 31-year-old male presented with left scapula pain that started two weeks ago. Physical examination showed findings similar to cervical herniated intervertebral disc (C-HIVD), and ultrasound examination revealed MO in left anterior scalene muscle. With conservative treatment, a follow-up ultrasound two weeks later revealed mostly absorbed calcifications. MO can occur in atypical locations, such as the scalene muscle, and in such cases, it may present with clinical features similar to C-HIVD. Therefore, clinicians should consider this possibility in patients with suspected C-HIVD. Additionally, it can progress and resolve rapidly, contrary to what was previously known. The experience from this case may help in determining the diagnostic and treatment approach for atypical MO in future clinical settings. -
Case Report 2023-12-31
Jae Yeon Kim, Young Sook Park, Hyun Jung Chang, Jin Gee Park, Eun Sol Cho, Da Hye Kim, Jeong Hwan Lee, Se Jin Kim
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 127-130
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.127AbstractKennedy’s disease (KD) or bulbospinal muscular atrophy is an uncommon x-linked recessive genetic disorder. Its diagnosis is challenging due to its wide array of clinical manifestations and difficulty distinguishing it from other motor neuron diseases. Thus, diagnosis is confirmed through DNA testing. 52-year-old male patient presented to the hospital with chronic low back pain (LBP) and muscle weakness. The patient had mild weakness in some proximal muscles, increased deep tendon reflex. Lumbar spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed degenerative changes. Motor nerve conduction test results showed close to the normal. Sensory nerve conduction test results showed decreased latency and amplitude in most nerves. Needle electromyography revealed fasciculation potentials, diffuse fibrillation potentials, and positive sharp waves were detected. Thus, molecular genetic testing was performed. Consequently, KD was diagnosed. These results suggest the importance of detailed history taking and neurological examination even for patients with chronic LBP to rule out severe diseases. -
Original Article 2023-06-30
만성 요통 환자를 위한 온라인 중재의 효과
The Effects of Online-Based Interventions for Chronic Low Back Pain Patients: A Clinical Trial
Dong Jin Heo, Jaewon Kim, Jae Min Kim
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(1): 38-47
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.1.38AbstractObjective: Chronic low back pain (LBP) is a huge social burden, and optimal exercise therapies for chronic LBP patients are continuously being studied. To evaluate the effects of digital intervention on pain and disability in patients with chronic LBP, we performed a prospective cohort study. Method: From February 2020 to January 2021, 25 patients with chronic LBP were recruited. Digital intervention contains education contents and video demonstration for individually prescribed exercise. The exercise prescription was renewed every 4 weeks according to subjects’ condition and accomplishment of exercise. This intervention was performed for more than 30 weeks. The pain intensity was assessed using a numeric rating scale (NRS) while their degree of disability was assessed using the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ). The pain intensity and disability was evaluated at short term (8∼20 weeks) and long term (30 weeks). Results: As a result, pain intensity (NRS) decreased significantly over the short term and long term (p<0.05). However, pain related disability (RMDQ score) did not change significantly over the follow-up period (p=0.554). Conclusion: Our findings indicate that online-based digital intervention reduced the intensity of chronic LBP. Further research is needed to identify methods to cost-effectively and consistently manage chronic LBP. -
Case Report 2023-06-30
뇌졸중 환자에서 고주파를 이용한 신경절제술의 경직에 대한 임상적 효과
Clinical Effect of Selective Neuroablative Technique Using Radiofrequency on Spasticity in a Patient with Stroke
Hyo Jeong Lee1, Yeon-Jae Seong2, Yoon Ghil Park3
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(1): 52-56
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.1.52AbstractRadiofrequency energy, such as that used in neuroablation, has been applied in various medical and surgical fields. However, no consensus exists regarding neuroablation protocols using radiofrequency. This study aimed to report the effect of a radio-frequency neuroablative technique on spastic foot management in a patient with stroke and present its safety and persistence. A 59-year-old man with hemiplegic gait by the intracerebral hemorrhage had radiofrequency ablation of the motor nerve branch supplying the medial gastrocnemius. The patient’s subjective and objective measurements of the spastic limb improved after the intervention. The effect lasted for 3 months. Radiofrequency neuroablative technique may be beneficial for treating spastic gait in patients with stroke. The above technique must be used to verify patients with spasticity, and research should be investigated to determine appropriated parameters. -
Case Report 2023-12-31
비절단측의 병적 상태 및 통증이 동반된 하지 절단인의 보행훈련
Prosthetic Gait Training in Individuals with Pathologic Conditions and Associated Pain on the Non-Amputated Side
Seongeun Park, Su Ji Lee, Ji Cheol Shin
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 146-151
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.146AbstractLeg amputation causes serious complications in walking and ultimately leads to functional impairment. Usually, the non-amputated side is considered as the dominant leg during prosthetic gait training. However, if the non-amputated side is affected by pathological conditions and has associated pain, it is necessary to determine whether it can be considered as the dominant leg. This case series presents four individuals who underwent leg amputations who also had pathologic conditions and pain in the non-amputated legs. A functional goal was established for each patient and individualized step-by step prosthetic gait training strategies were applied. Consequently, we found out that functional outcomes could be achieved even in cases with accompanying complications, such as fractures, nerve injuries, or pain, in the non-amputated leg. -
Original Article 2023-12-31
족부 보조기를 이용한 평발 환자의 RCSP 각도 변화
Effects of Biomechanical Foot Orthoses on the Resting Calcaneal Stance Position Angle in Flatfoot Patients
Donghwi Park1, Kwangohk Jun1, Seongho Woo1, Won Mo Koo1, Jong Min Kim1, Byung Joo Lee1, Sunyoung Joo2, Hyoshin Eo1
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 97-103
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.97AbstractObjective: Flatfoot is a very common condition in pediatric rehabilitation that can cause various symptoms. Therefore, objective evaluation and effective management of flatfoot is important. The resting calcaneal stance position (RCSP) angle has been widely used as an indicator of flatfoot. This study followed up the RCSP angle in children with flatfoot who were prescribed biomechanical foot orthoses (BFOs), to determine whether BFOs significantly improved flatfoot. Methods: We included 77 children who were diagnosed with flatfoot and prescribed BFOs. We followed up and compared the RCSP angle using the paired t-test. In addition, the patients divided into two groups according to RCSP angle improvement to determine whether any significant indicators were present in the group with greater improvement. Results: The mean age of 77 children was 11.05 years, with 50 boys and 27 girls. The RCSP angle improved by 3.25 and 2.78 degrees on the right and left sides, respectively, with the paired t-test showing a significant improvement in the RCSP angle (p≤0.001). 40 and 37 exhibited an RCSP angle improvement of more and less than 4 degrees, respectively, with the paired t-test also confirming a significant improvement in the RCSP angle (p≤0.001). However, independent t-tests revealed no significant differences in all indicators between the two groups. Conclusion: This study confirmed that wearing BFO in children with flatfoot can improve the RCSP angle. Our findings showed that RCSP angles improved regardless of other factors. Further studies providing more data and including a control group are needed. -
Review Article 2023-06-30
만성 통증 환자에서 운동의 통증 감소 효과 및 중추성 기전
Exercise-Induced Pain Reduction and Its Central Mechanism in Patients with Chronic Pain
Suk Hoon Ohn
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(1): 29-32
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.1.29AbstractFor the effective rehabilitation of chronic pain, it is necessary to know the changes in the pain networks of patients with chronic pain. There is a need for attention to changes in emotional pain networks and cognitive pain networks. In patients with chronic pain, post-exercise pain reduction is less pronounced than in those without chronic pain. In order to achieve the exercise effect, emotional problems must be considered in addition to the patient's physical changes. In addition, a detailed prior explanation is needed to raise the expectations for exercise effect, moreover, in order to continue exercising for a safe and long period, exercise suitable for patients should be selected and low-intensity exercise protocols should be provided. -
Review Article 2024-06-30
AbstractTo perform effective nerve hydrodissection on the upper extremities, it is essential to first select the target site through subjective and objective examinations based on basic anatomical knowledge of the nerve pathways and sites prone to entrapment. In ultrasound scanning, if the proximal diameter of the nerve increases compared to the distal one or the cross-sectional area of the nerve fascicle within the main nerve increases, it may be confirmed as a lesion site. If necessary, symptoms can be induced directly through stimulation using a nerve stimulator under ultrasound guidance for selection. When approaching the nearby nerve that triggers symptoms, it is important to confirm sufficient separation of surrounding structures that compress and irritate the main nerve through pressure after positioning the needle bevel with a tangential approach to target nerve. -
Case Report 2023-12-31
혈액 투석 관련 아밀로이드종과 관련된 압박성 경추 척수병증
Compressive Cervical Myelopathy Related with Hemodialysis-Associated Amyloidoma
Ji Woong Park, Junwon Park
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 152-155
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.152AbstractWe present a case of compressive cervical myelopathy seemingly produced by an amyloid deposit in a patient who had been on long-term hemodialysis. A 69-year-old man who had been on hemodialysis for about 25 years presented with neuropathic pain in both upper and lower extremities and progressive gait disturbance. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed compressive myelopathy at the C3-4 level presumably caused by amyloidosis resulting from long-term dialysis-related complications. He underwent laminoplasty from C1 to C4. After surgical intervention and intensive rehabilitation, the patient showed clinical improvement. If progressive or sudden neurological symptoms and weakness develop in patients on long-term hemodialysis, spinal cord compression due to amyloidosis, which can occur rarely, should be considered. -
Review Article 2024-06-30
Yongbum Park, Jun Hyeong Song
Clinical Pain 2024; 23(1): 22-26
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2024.23.1.22AbstractShoulder pain is one of the common symptoms that pain physicians frequently encounter in outpatient settings. Historically, the diagnosis of shoulder pain relied on clinical presentation and physical examination. However, with the advancement of ultrasound technology, physicians can now better diagnose and treat shoulder pain. When administering injection therapy for shoulder pain, the target may vary depending on the structure causing the pain. Furthermore, even when injecting the same structure, different approaches can be employed based on the practitioner’s preference, patient’s anatomical variations, or capability of maintaining specific positions for intervention. This review describes various ultrasound-guided injection techniques used in the treatment of shoulder pain. -
Review Article 2024-06-30
체외충격파를 이용한 효과적인 외측상과염 치료 방법에 대한 제언
Suggestions for Effective Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment Methods for Lateral Epicondylitis
Sang Chul Lee
Clinical Pain 2024; 23(1): 6-11
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2024.23.1.6AbstractExtracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive treatment method that uses mechanical energy to help restore biological tissue. Recently, the treatment targets have expanded to include not only musculoskeletal injuries such as plantar fasciitis and lateral epicondylitis, which are typical treatment targets, but also peripheral nerve damage, diabetic foot ulcers, and osteoarthritis. However, the therapeutic effect of ESWT has not yet been proven even for lateral epicondylitis. The purpose of this article is to review recent literature on ESWT for lateral epicondylitis and to suggest more effective treatment options. -
Review Article 2024-06-30
메타분석에 근거한 초음파 검사에서의 말초신경 정상 단면적 값
Normal Sonographic Peripheral Nerve Cross-Sectional Area Based on the Results of Meta-Analysis Studies
Sang Chul Lee
Clinical Pain 2024; 23(1): 1-5
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2024.23.1.1AbstractGenetic and electrodiagnostic testing have long been standard diagnostic testing methods for peripheral nerve lesions. Ultrasound examination can be considered as a complementary test and has the advantage of obtaining detailed morphological information about peripheral nerves. Morphological information such as peripheral nerve cross sectional area (CSA), which can be obtained using ultrasound, is useful in evaluating peripheral nerve lesions such as entrapment neuropathy and inflammatory polyneuropathy. In this paper, I would like to briefly introduce existing meta-analysis studies on the normal value of peripheral nerve CSA to provide information for standardization of nerve examination on ultrasound. -
Case Report 2023-06-30
4∼5번 요추 골극에 의해 유발된 비전형적 메이-터너 증후군
Atypical May-Thurner Syndrome Caused by Bone Spur of the L4∼5 Lumbar Vertebrae
Gyoung Ho Nam, Ji Hye Hwang
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(1): 57-60
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.1.57AbstractMay–Thurner syndrome (MTS) is a condition in which the left common iliac vein is irritated by chronic pulsatile compression between the right common iliac artery and the upper iliac or lumbar spine. It mainly causes swelling and pain in the left lower extremity, venous thrombosis, and repeated deep venous thrombosis. In patients with sudden swelling and pain in the left lower extremity and suspected lower extremity thrombosis, when no other obvious cause can be found, the possibility of MTS should be considered. We experienced a rare case of an older patient with atypical MTS caused by bone spur of the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, which has been reported here along with a review of the literature.
Case Report 2021-12-31
다한증 치료 기구인 MiraDryⓇ에 의한 근피 및 정중신경 손상 증례
Musculocutaneous and Median Neuropathy after MiraDryⓇ Procedure for Axillary Hyperhidrosis
Youngmin Kim, M.D., Mi-Jeong Yoon et al.
Clinical Pain 2021; 20(2): 135-140
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2021.20.2.135AbstractMay–Thurner syndrome (MTS) is a condition in which the left common iliac vein is irritated by chronic pulsatile compression between the right common iliac artery and the upper iliac or lumbar spine. It mainly causes swelling and pain in the left lower extremity, venous thrombosis, and repeated deep venous thrombosis. In patients with sudden swelling and pain in the left lower extremity and suspected lower extremity thrombosis, when no other obvious cause can be found, the possibility of MTS should be considered. We experienced a rare case of an older patient with atypical MTS caused by bone spur of the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, which has been reported here along with a review of the literature. -
Original Articles 2019-12-31
수근관 증후군에서 적외선 체열 검사의 진단적 유용성
Diagnostic Usefulness of Digital Infrared Thermal Image in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Jihyun Park, M.D., Jang Woo Lee et al.
Clinical Pain 2019; 18(2): 70-75
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2019.18.2.70AbstractMay–Thurner syndrome (MTS) is a condition in which the left common iliac vein is irritated by chronic pulsatile compression between the right common iliac artery and the upper iliac or lumbar spine. It mainly causes swelling and pain in the left lower extremity, venous thrombosis, and repeated deep venous thrombosis. In patients with sudden swelling and pain in the left lower extremity and suspected lower extremity thrombosis, when no other obvious cause can be found, the possibility of MTS should be considered. We experienced a rare case of an older patient with atypical MTS caused by bone spur of the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, which has been reported here along with a review of the literature. -
Case Report 2019-12-31
뇌졸중 후 복합부위통증증후군에서 반대측 거울상 확산
Contralateral Mirror Image Spreading in Post-Stroke Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Ki Hyun Byun, M.D. and Chang Ho Hwang, M.D. et al.
Clinical Pain 2019; 18(2): 133-137
https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2019.18.2.133AbstractMay–Thurner syndrome (MTS) is a condition in which the left common iliac vein is irritated by chronic pulsatile compression between the right common iliac artery and the upper iliac or lumbar spine. It mainly causes swelling and pain in the left lower extremity, venous thrombosis, and repeated deep venous thrombosis. In patients with sudden swelling and pain in the left lower extremity and suspected lower extremity thrombosis, when no other obvious cause can be found, the possibility of MTS should be considered. We experienced a rare case of an older patient with atypical MTS caused by bone spur of the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, which has been reported here along with a review of the literature.

Safety and Effectiveness of Repeated Treatment of Dodium Polynucleotide in Knee Osteoarthritis
Wan-ho Kim1, Young-sun Song2, Ho-kwang Ryu3, Jong-hoon Park4, Kug-jin Kim5, Il-nam Son6
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 104-114https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.104
Various Injectable Agents for Neuromusculoskeletal Pain and Ultrasound-Guided Injection
Yong-Soon Yoon1,2, Kwang Jae Lee1,2
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(2): 88-96https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.2.88
Intramuscular Stimulation Therapy
Jinyoung Park
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(1): 1-8https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.1.1
Ultrasound Guided Therapeutic Medial Branch Block for the Facet Joint Pain
Yongbum Park, Jun Hyeong Song
Clinical Pain 2023; 22(1): 33-37https://doi.org/10.35827/cp.2023.22.1.33
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