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Case Report

Clinical Pain 2010; 9(2): 107-111

Published online December 30, 2010

Copyright © Korean Association of Pain Medicine.

Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Cervical Roots -A Case Report-

경추부 신경근에 발생한 염증성 가성종양 -증례 보고-

Seong Woo Kim, M.D., Ho-Yeol Zhang, M.D.1, Gwang Bok Park, M.D., Myong Sik Bae, M.D., Joo Eun Shim, M.D.2 and Zee-A Han, M.D.


Departments of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1Neurosurgery, 2Radiology, National Health Insurance Corporation Ilsan Hospital, Goyang, Korea

국민건강보험공단 일산병원 재활의학과, 신경외과1, 영상의학과2


Inflammatory pseudotumor is a rare benign condition of unknown etiology and is characterized by a tumorlike mass lesion. Although imaging features of inflammatory pseudotumor are nonspecific, pretreatment suggested diagnoses can prevent unnecessary aggressive treatment. We report a rare case of inflammatory pseudotumor of the cervical roots in a 55 year old woman who presented with motor deficit of the left upper limb. Electromyographic studies revealed left cervical radiculopathy, mainly involving the 5th cervical root, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) suggested a diagnosis of inflammatory pseudotumor. The patient underwent conservative treatment with high dose steroids. Post-treatment MRI findings revealed a significant reduction in the size of the mass with corresponding resolution of clinical symptoms. Inflammatory pseudotumor of the cervical roots has not been previously reported in the literature. (Clinical Pain 2010;9:107-111)

KeywordsInflammatory pseudotumor, Radiculopathy, Conservative treatment

Korean Association of Pain Medicine

Vol.23 No.2
December 2024

eISSN: 2765-5156

Frequency: Semi Annual

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