Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Clinical Pain 2009; 8(2): 79-88
Published online December 30, 2009
Copyright © Korean Association of Pain Medicine.
The advent of high-resolution ultrasound technology has enhanced the value of ultrasonography as a diagnostic imaging tool for assessment of knee joint pathologies. MRI is the gold standard imaging technique for evaluation of the knee joint and soft tissue diseases. Utrasonography nevertheless is a useful alternative in several conditions: inflammatory joint disease for early diagnosis and follow up of joint effusion and synovitis; suspected meniscus or ligament lesions; soft tissue hyperemia with Power Doppler; determining the cystic versus solid nature of some lesions. The most important advantage of ultrasound is the ability to dynamically examine, in real time, the exact point of clinical tenderness elicited from the patient and to use the probe as a further important intimate tool in the examination process. It is important to recognize the limitations of ultrasonography, including its inability to assess completely certain anatomic structures, such as menisci, intra-articular ligaments, and bones. The major disadvantage is its operator dependence and its inherent long learning curve. To take advantage of its strengths, this imaging modality requires technical expertise, high resolution equipment and awareness of its strengths and weaknesses. This article reviews the structures and pathological processes for which ultrasound has been shown useful. (Clinical Pain 2009;8:79-88)
KeywordsKnee, Ultrasound, Soft tissue