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Clinical Pain 2009; 8(1): 13-19

Published online June 30, 2009

Copyright © Korean Association of Pain Medicine.

Diagnostic Usefulness of Pressure-assisted Patellofemoral Joint X-ray for Diagnosis of Chondromalacia of Patellofemoral Joint

무릎의 연골연화증 환자에서 무릎에 압력을 가한 X선의 진단적 유용성

Kyung-Jin Im, M.D., Jeong-Hwan Seo, M.D., Myoung- Hwan Ko, M.D., Sung-Hee Park, M.D. and Sang-Yong Lee, M.D.1


Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1Radiology, Institude for Medical Science and Research Institute of Clinical Medicine, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju, Korea

전북대학교 의학전문대학원 재활의학교실, 영상의학교실1, 의과학 연구소 및 임상의학연구소


Objective: To diagnose the patellofemoral chondromalacia, physical examination is usually used. The cartilage of patella with chondromalacia are softer to pressure compared with the normal cartilage. The purpose of this study is to investigate the usefulness of a newly devised pressure-assisted knee X-ray method for the diagnosis of chondromalacia of the knee. Materials and Methods: Twenty one patients with clinically diagnosed chondromalacia and 16 normal persons were enrolled. To apply the pressure to patellofemoral joint, 150 mmHg pressure was applied to the knee with manual blood pressure manometer. Before and after the application of the pressure, patella tangential view was taken and the distances between the femur and the patella were measured at the medial, the middle and the lateral part. Also, we evaluated the Q-angle, the coexistence of osteoarthritis, the duration of disease, Knee Society Score and 12-item Knee Score. Results: In this study, the decrements of distance by compression were significant in the middle and the medial part of the patella in affected side of patients compared with the control group, especially the medial part. The discriminant analysis for the diagnosis of chondromalacia with this new X-ray method showed consistent results in 96% to positive predictive value and 97% to negative predictive value. Conclusion: This new method of pressure-assisted knee X-ray was useful for the diagnosis of chondromalacia by measuring the distance between the patella and the femur. This method is thought to provide good diagnostic value with low cost, low invasive- ness and relatively good reliability. (J Korean Assoc Pain Med 2009;8:13-19)

KeywordsChondromalacia patella, X-rays, Pressure, Knee, Patellofemoral pain syndrome

Korean Association of Pain Medicine

Vol.23 No.2
December 2024

eISSN: 2765-5156

Frequency: Semi Annual

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