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Clinical Pain 2007; 6(2): 93-96

Published online September 30, 2007

Copyright © Korean Association of Pain Medicine.

Insufficiency Fracture of the Sternum in a Woman with Thoracic Kyphosis and Osteoporosis -Case Report-

척추후만증 골다공증 환자에서 등에 업힘 이후에 발생한 복장뼈 기능부전 골절 -증례 보고-

Ji Young Jeong, M.D., Jae Min Kim, M.D. and Min-Wook Kim, M.D.


Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Incheon, Korea

가톨릭대학교 의과대학 성모자애병원 재활의학교실


Thoracic compression fractures with osteoporosis often leads to severe kyphosis. The kyphosis creates a deforming stress on the sternum that may lead to an insufficiency fracture. We experienced an insufficiency fracture of the sternum in a postmenopausal woman with T12 compression fracture and severe kyphosis due to osteoporosis. She was ninety-five years old and complained chest pain for 3 weeks. She had been carried on by her grandson's` back and had felt more pain one week before she visited us. A displaced fracture in the sternum, T12 compression fracture with kyphosis and osteoporosis were found. We concluded an insufficiency fracture of the sternum with osteoporosis had progressed a displaced fracture by pick-a-back. The transfer method such as pick-a-back is contraindicated in old women with severe kyphosis and osteoporosis. (J Korean Assoc Pain Med 2007;6:93-96)

KeywordsFractures, Stress, Osteoporosis, Sternum, Kyphosis

Korean Association of Pain Medicine

Vol.23 No.2
December 2024

eISSN: 2765-5156

Frequency: Semi Annual

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