Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Clinical Pain 2006; 5(1): 26-33
Published online March 30, 2006
Copyright © Korean Association of Pain Medicine.
Jong Ha Lee, M.D.
The foot and ankle support body weight and propel body forward. But if there is the poor posture, bad biomechanics or unexpected load during ambulation or motion, they are easy to be injured. The common injuries in the foot and ankle are sprain, tendonitis and plantar fasciitis. In this paper the rehabilitation (including exercise) about the injuries is introduced. Taping guarding the foot and ankle has the good effect on prevention of injury and progression of rehabilitation. However bad skill can give rise to side effects and delay healing. So I present the indication, concrete method for taping. (J Korean Assoc Pain Med 2006; 5:26-33)
KeywordsFoot, Ankle, Exercise, Taping, Sports