Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Clinical Pain 2017; 16(1): 26-30
Published online June 30, 2017
Copyright © Korean Association of Pain Medicine.
Yeonji Yoo, M.D., Hyeon Mi Hong, M.D., Seojin Song, M.D., Hye Jung Park, M.D., Won Ihl Lee,M.D. and Sun Jae Won, M.D.
The nerve swelling develops in many neurological diseases. Ultrasonography is especially useful to detect this swelling and allows accurate morphological analysis for the nervesproviding useful complementary information to electrodiagnostic data. However, it has not been reported how long the nerve swelling persist and how much the nerve swelling and other parameters are correlated during the recovery time. We report a case of the radial neuropathy developed after humerus fracture and its recovery patterns through the year. In this case, the nerve swelling was not limited in the injury site and its proximal area but also extended to far distal area to posterior interosseous and superficial radial nerves. The motor power recovery pattern was correlated with the improvement of the nerve conductionand ultrasonography study. (Clinical Pain 2017;16:26-30)
KeywordsNerve injury, Ultrasonography, Electrodiagnosis