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Clinical Pain 2015; 14(1): 6-10

Published online June 30, 2015

Copyright © Korean Association of Pain Medicine.

Application and Limitation on Interventional Management of Adhesive Capsulitis

유착성 관절낭염에서 중재시술 치료의 적용과 한계

Jong Hwa Lee, M.D., Ph.D.


Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dong-A University College of Medicine, Busan, Korea

동아대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Received: March 15, 2015; Accepted: May 3, 2015


Adhesive capsulitis is common shoulder problem charac-terized by pain and decreased range of motion. The patho-genesis remains poorly understood, there is evidence of both inflammatory and fibrotic processes. Inflammatory con-tracture of the capsule and ligaments reduces the available intra-articular volume, and limiting glenohumeral movement. The inflammation and thickening of tissues progress to a more indolent fibrotic appearance with time. Considering these underlying causes, we can try therapeutic intervention to relieve pain, restore movement and regain function of the shoulder. This review describes the application and limi-tation on interventional management of adhesive capsulitis. It also outlines the current treatment options and reviews the published results. The interventional management in-cludes intra-articular injection, capsular distension and ma-nipulation under anesthesia. (Clinical Pain 2015;14:6-10)

KeywordsIntra-articular injection, Capsular distension, Mani-pulation under anesthesia

Korean Association of Pain Medicine

Vol.23 No.1
June 2024

eISSN: 2765-5156

Frequency: Semi Annual

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