Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Clinical Pain 2019; 18(1): 48-51
Published online June 30, 2019
Copyright © Korean Association of Pain Medicine.
Sang Moon Yun, M.D., Kyung Ah Kim, M.D., Yoon Kim, M.D. and Ji Hye Hwang, M.D., Ph.D.
윤상문ㆍ김경아ㆍ김 윤ㆍ황지혜
Symmetrical proximal weakness and characteristic dermatologic manifestations are important in the diagnosis of dermatomyositis. We report a case of atypical presentation of dermatomyositis due to previous steroid use and also report steroid-induced myopathy which may occur from steroid administration during the course of treatment. A 77-year-old man, previous steroid user, showed rapidly progressing weakness after abruptly stopped medication. He has presented erythematous papule on face and anterior chest but no heliotrope rash and Gottron's papules were observed. Muscle enzyme (creatine kinase) concen-tration is increased, and needle electromyography shows increased spontaneous activity on proximal limb muscle. The muscle biopsy confirmed dermatomyositis. During the course of treatment, he revealed persistent weakness despite the continuous steroid use and stable creatine kinase level. Electrodiagnostic study suggests steroid-induced myopathy and after tapering steroid, proximal muscle strength improved. This case reports the effect of steroid use on dermatomyositis patients and a process of diagnosing coexisting steroid induced myopathy during treatment.
KeywordsDermatomyositis, Steroid, Steroid induced myopathy